- Thu 11 July 2024
- server admin
- Gaige B. Paulsen
- #server admin, #mac
Given a bit of downtime waiting for my AC repair, I decided to take a look at the login and startup items on my Mac. I've not been having issues, but it seems like good hygeine to know what these are.
Unfortunately, although the Open at Login section of the General > Login Options panel makes it easy to locate, add, and remove items, the lower pane: Allow in Background is a bit more opaque.
When trying to locate a few items I didn't recognize (which mostly turned out to be developers that I didn't recognize the names up, but whose apps I did), I did some searching and found:
sfltool dumpbtm
which dumps the database for background items, including the items that show up in the aforementioned panel. The format isn't great, but it does provide a lot of information:
UUID: C0F0A0C0-35B9-463D-92B9-792D81BCFA8C
Name: Zoom
Developer Name: Zoom
Type: curated developer (0x80020)
Disposition: [disabled, allowed, visible, notified] (10)
Identifier: Zoom
URL: (null)
Generation: 1
Embedded Item Identifiers:
#1: us.zoom.ZoomDaemon
Name: WireGuardLoginItemHelper
Developer Name: (null)
Team Identifier: L82V4Y2P3C
Type: login item (0x4)
Disposition: [disabled, allowed, visible, notified] (10)
Identifier: (anchor apple generic and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ or anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ and certificate leaf[subject.OU] = L82V4Y2P3C) and identifier "com.wireguard.macos.login-item-helper"
URL: Contents/Library/LoginItems/WireGuardLoginItemHelper.app
Generation: 2
Bundle Identifier: com.wireguard.macos.login-item-helper
Parent Identifier: (anchor apple generic and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ or anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ and certificate leaf[subject.OU] = L82V4Y2P3C) and identifier "com.wireguard.macos"
The absence of the URL makes it a bit harder to find, and I've had limited luck looking for items using the Bundle Idenfifier, however, it's a lot more information than I had to start with.